FREE BOOK download: "10 Words that Will Change the Way You Read the Bible!" _________________________________________________ Did Ruth and Boaz do something REALLY inappropriate? Ever since I was in seminary, I heard stories about this incident between Ruth and Boaz. What I always thought was an innocent story about a man redeeming this woman and her mother in law was apparently really scandalous, and possibly sinful? But is it? Are there Hebrew idioms here that prove that Ruth and Boaz were doing something more than what we think they were doing, something we would never approve of today? Well, if you’re hoping to find those answers, and if you want to understand what’s really happening in the Book of Ruth, then join me for this episode of Beyond the Words. _________________________________________________ I've received some questions about how people can donate. I love being able to provide these videos for free. But I'm also so grateful for your support of this channel and the work we are doing to grow this ministry! You can donate here: N.B. Due to some IRS limitations, donations are not tax deductible. _________________________________________________ SUBSCRIBE to get videos each week that will help you grow your relationship with Jesus and grow your church. Click the NOTIFICATION BELL so that you don't miss out when we release new videos each week. And please leave COMMENTS below. I love to hear your thoughts about our videos, ideas for future videos, and ways I can be praying for you! _________________________________________________ I will receive partial compensation through affiliate links. Affiliate links are marked with "*". _________________________________________________ Other Links You Might Enjoy... Email Me: Get FREE Weekly Teachings in the Beyond the Words Community: Instagram: Facebook: *Books I have found helpful in creating these videos: _________________________________________________ I will be helping to lead a trip to the HOLY LAND in February 2023, along with @The Snipe Life and @Now Let's Be Honest ! To learn more about the trip, you can find details here: Register here: 👇 TYPE IN CODE: SNIPELIFE23 Wondering IS ISRAEL SAFE? Check out this video: _________________________________________________ We have been invited to partner with ArtzaBox, which is a company that provides quarterly subscription boxes filled with items from different regions of the Holy Land. The items come from local vendors in the Holy Land and have been very helpful in supporting these businesses throughout the pandemic. And if you'd like to subscribe, you can get 20% off by entering this Coupon Code (ARTZABRANDONROBBINS) at this link ( and an EXTRA 10% on top of that if you sign up for an annual subscription.* _________________________________________________ Beyond the Words is like a Bible study, but different rather than taking you verse by verse and telling you what it means, I reveal the history and context of scripture in a way that allows you to understand the bible more easily and go back and read it on your own with a new set of eyes. #biblestudy #beyondthewords Photos courtesy of #thechosen #thechosenseries #Jesus #thechosentv @TheChosen @The Chosen